Linux (32-bit)

Installing the Secure Browser for Linux (32-bit)

This procedure installs the Secure Browser on desktop computers running one of the Linux distributions listed in the above table. These instructions may vary for your individual Linux distribution.

  1. Uninstall any previous versions of the Secure Browser by deleting the directory containing it. 
  2. Obtain the root or super-user password for the computer on which you are installing the Secure Browser.
  3. Click the Download Browser link above. A dialog window opens. If prompted for a download location, select the desktop.
  4. Open the terminal and do the following:
    1. Enter cd ~/Desktop
    2. Enter tar xfjv OHSecureBrowserX.X-YYYY-MM-DD-i686.tar.bz2
    3. Enter cd ~/Desktop/OHSecureBrowser
    4. Enter su [UserName] to switch to a super-user or root user. When prompted, enter the super-user or root user password you obtained in step 2.
    5. Enter ./ to run the ./ file as an executable. When prompted, enter the super-user or root user password obtained in step 2.
    6. Enter su [UserName] to switch back to the standard user. When prompted, enter the standard user password.
    7. Enter ./ to install icons for the standard user.
  5. The script installs all dependent libraries and supported voice packs and creates a OHSecureBrowser icon on the desktop. In Fedora 30, the icon is installed in the Charm.
  6. Ensure all backgrounds jobs, such as virus scans or software updates, are scheduled outside of test windows. For example, if your testing takes place between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., schedule background jobs outside of these hours.
  7. If text-to-speech testing is performed on this computer, reboot it.
  8. From the desktop, double-click the OHSecureBrowser icon to launch the browser. An Untrusted App Launcher error message appears.
  9. Click Trust and Launch. The student login screen appears. The browser fills the entire screen and hides any panels or launchers.
  10. To exit the browser, click X in the upper-right corner of the screen.