Keyboard Commands for Grid Questions
Questions with a grid response area (see Figure 2) have up to three main sections:
- Answer Space: The grid area where students enter the response.
- Button Row: The following buttons may appear above the answer space: Delete, Add Point, Add Arrow, Add Line, Add Circle, Add Dashed Line and Connect Line.
- Object Bank: A panel containing objects you can move to the Answer Space.
Figure 2: Sample Grid Question
To move between the main sections:
- To move clockwise, press Tab. To move counter-clockwise, press Shift + Tab.
To add an object from the object bank to the answer space:
- With the object bank active, use the arrow keys to move between objects. The active object has a blue background.
- To add the active object to the answer space, press Space.
To use the action buttons:
- With the button row active, use the left and right arrow keys to move between the buttons. The active button is white.
- To select a button, press Enter.
- Press Space to apply the point, arrow, or line to the answer space.
To move objects and graph elements in the answer space:
- With the answer space active, press Enter to move between the objects. The active object displays a blue border.
- Press Space.
- Press an arrow key to move the object. To move the object in smaller increments, hold Shift while pressing an arrow key.