About the Word Prediction Tool

The Word Prediction tool is available for students with the appropriate accessibility supports on all devices for most subjects. This tool automatically predicts each word as students type a written response, allowing them to select a word from a suggested list instead of typing it manually.

1.To use the Word Prediction tool, students begin to type in the text box for an item with a written response. Suggested words automatically pop up based on what students type.

2.To select a suggested word, students do either of the following:

Note: Since number keys are used to select options in the menu, students may not be able to use some number keys to enter numerals in the text box. If a student needs to enter a numeral when Word Prediction is enabled, they should select 123 in the corner of the pop-up. A list of numerals appears. Students can select a numeral or select abc to return to the list of suggested words.

For more information on the Word Prediction tool, review the Assistive Technology Manual from the portal.