
Test Rules

Basic Test Rules

Pause Rules

Navigation Rules

Overview of the Data Entry Interface

DEI Overview

The following test tools are available:

Global Tools Description

Help (?) Button

To view the on-screen Help Guide window, select the ? button in the upper-right corner.

Items Drop-down List To quickly navigate to a specific test page, select a question number from the drop-down list in the upper-left corner. Pages with questions that were marked for review display "(marked)" in this list.

Navigation Buttons

To move between test pages, use the Back and Next buttons in the upper-left corner.

Pause Button

To pause a test, select Pause in the global menu. Pausing the test will temporarily log you out.

Zoom Buttons

To enlarge the text and images on a test page, select Zoom In in the global menu. You can zoom in up to four levels. To undo zooming, select Zoom Out in the global menu.

Context Menu Tools Description
Mark for Review To mark a question for review, select Mark for Review from the context menu.

To take notes, select the Notepad option from the context menu.

Strikethrough For selected-response questions, you can cross out an answer option to focus on the options you think might be correct. There are two options for using this tool:
  • Option A:
    1. To activate Strikethrough mode, open the context menu and select Strikethrough.
    2. Select each answer option you wish to strike out.
    3. To deactivate Strikethrough mode, press Esc or click outside the response area.
  • Option B:
    1. Right-click on an answer option and select Strikethrough.
Tutorial To view a short video demonstrating how to respond to a particular question type, select Tutorial from the context menu.