Appendix C: Keyboard Navigation for Students

Students can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate between test elements, features, and tools. Keyboard commands require using the primary keyboard. Do not use keys in a numeric keypad.

Note: Some keyboard commands (such as the commands for using the Line Reader) may not work when testing on iPadOS or Chromebook devices connected to an external keyboard.

This section includes the following:

Keyboard Commands for Sign-in Pages and In-Test Pop-ups

Table 7 lists keyboard commands for selecting options on the sign-in pages or pop-up windows that appear during a test.

Table 7: Keyboard Commands for Sign-in Pages and Pop-Up Windows
Function Keyboard Command
Move to the next option Tab
Move to the previous option Shift + Tab
Select the active option Enter
Mark checkbox Space
Scroll through drop-down list options Arrow Keys
Close pop-up window Esc

Keyboard Commands for Test Navigation

Table 8 lists keyboard commands for navigating tests and responding to questions.

Table 8: Keyboard Commands for Test Navigation
Description of Function Keyboard Commands
Scroll up Up Arrow
Scroll down Down Arrow
Scroll to the right Right Arrow
Scroll to the left Left Arrow
Move to the next element Tab
Move to the previous element Shift + Tab
Select an answer option Space
Go to the next test page Ctrl + Right Arrow
Go to the previous test page Ctrl + Left Arrow
Open the global menu Ctrl + G
Open a context menu Ctrl + M