Approving Students for Testing

After students sign in and select tests, you must verify that their settings and accessibility supports are correct before approving them for testing. When students are awaiting approval, the Approvals tab becomes active and shows you how many students are awaiting approval.

To approve students for testing:

1.Once students request approval, a notification appears on the Approvals tab. Open this tab to view a table of students awaiting approval.

2.To check a student's test settings and accessibility supports, click View button for that student. The student’s information appears in the Test Settings window. This window groups test settings by their area of need.

a.If any settings are incorrect, update them as required. Students should not begin testing until their settings are correct.

Alert: When approving students for testing, you must update the editable settings in this window, rather than in TIDE. You must update the read-only settings in TIDE.

b.Do one of the following:

3.Repeat step 2 for each student on the Approvals tab.

Note: The Approvals tab does not automatically refresh. To update the list of students awaiting approval, click Refresh at the top of the window.

4.Optional: To deny a student access to the test, click Deny button for that student. In the window that appears, enter an optional reason for denying the student and click Deny. The student receives the denial explanation and is logged out. They can still request access to the test again.

5.To approve students from the Approvals tab, click Checkmark button to approve students in the Actions column to approve an individual student, or click Approve All Students to approve every student currently listed in the table.