Online Test Administrator User Guide

This online guide provides an overview of the tasks and features available in the Online Testing System, including the following topics:

Troubleshooting Common Errors

This section provides suggestions for resolving various issues and error messages that may arise while using the Online Testing System. For assistance with any issues or error messages not addressed in this section, please contact the Oregon Statewide Assessment System Help Desk. Contact information is available in the User Support section of this guide.

Issues Signing Students in to the Student Interface

The Online Testing System generates an error message if a student cannot sign in. The following are the most common student sign-in issues.

  • Session is not available for testing:

    The student entered the Session ID incorrectly or is signed in to the wrong site. Verify that the student correctly entered the active Session ID. Also, verify that both you and the student are using the correct sites. For example, students signed in to the Student Training Site cannot access sessions created in the TA Interface. A message displayed in the bottom-left corner of the Student Sign-In page indicates which site the student is on. If a student is on the wrong site, the student can select the button included in the message to proceed to the correct site.

  • Student information is not entered correctly:

    Verify that the student entered the correct credentials. If this does not resolve the error, use the Student Lookup tool to verify the student's information (see the section Looking Up Students).

  • Session has expired:

    The Session ID corresponds to a closed session. Ensure that the student enters the correct Session ID and verify that your session is open. For more information about test sessions, see the section Starting a Test Session.

  • Required test is not available:

    If the test that the student needs to take is not listed, confirm that the student is eligible for the test in TIDE. If the test that the student needs to take is listed but grayed out, then the student may have already completed the test or the test may not be included in the session. Verify that the test is included in the current session and add it, if necessary.

Audio Issues in the Student Interface

Prior to testing, ensure that audio is enabled on each device and that headsets are functioning correctly. If audio issues occur, do the following:

  • Ensure headphones are plugged in correctly.
  • If the headphones have a volume control, ensure the volume is not muted.
  • Ensure that the audio on the device is not muted.

Issues Using the Secure Browser

The following error messages may appear when using the secure browser. For complete information about installing the secure browser and configuring student devices for online testing, see the Technology Guide on the OSAS Portal.

  • You cannot log in with this browser:

    This message occurs when the student is not using the correct Secure Browser. To resolve this issue, ensure the latest version of the Secure Browser is installed, and that the student launched the Secure Browser instead of a standard web browser. If the latest version of the Secure Browser is already running, then log the student out, restart the device, and try again.

  • Looking for an internet connection...:

    This message appears when the Secure Browser cannot connect to the Online Testing System. This can occur if there is a network-related problem. Make sure that either the network cable is plugged in (for wired connections) or the Wi-Fi connection is live (for wireless connections). Also check if the Secure Browser must use specific proxy settings. If so, those settings must be specified as options when configuring the Secure Browser. If connection issues persist, contact a network technician.

  • Test Environment Is Not Secure:

    This message can occur when the Secure Browser detects a forbidden application running on the device (see the section Additional Measures for Securing the Test Environment). If this message appears on an iPad, ensure that either Assessment Mode is enabled.

Other Issues

  • Student’s device crashes or loses connectivity:

    If the student's device crashes or loses its connection to the internet, the student's test is automatically paused. The student can continue testing on another device.

  • TA’s device crashes or loses connectivity:

    If you log in on another computer within 20 minutes, you can connect to the same session by entering the active session ID. If you do not log back in within 20 minutes, the session closes and students are logged out. You should create a new session and the students must log in to the new session to continue testing.

  • Session ends unexpectedly and logs students out:

    Log in and start a new session with the appropriate tests. This creates a new session ID. Have the students log in to the new session. Students’ tests resume where they left off. If the students were logged out for fewer than 20 minutes, they can go back and review their answers. If they were logged out for more than 20 minutes, they can complete their tests, but they cannot review previously completed test pages.

A PDF version of the Test Administrator User Guide with additional images and information is available on the OSAS Portal (