Appendix A: About the Secure Browser

This appendix provides additional information about securing the test environment, configuring tablets for testing, using permissive mode, and resolving potential errors in the Secure Browser.

For more information about installing the Secure Browser, see the Technology Guide available on the OSAS Portal (

Additional Measures for Securing the Test Environment

The Secure Browser ensures test security by prohibiting access to external applications or navigation away from the test. This section provides additional measures you can implement to ensure the test environment is secure.

Forbidden Application Detection

When the Secure Browser launches, it checks for other applications running on the device. If it detects a forbidden application, it displays a message listing the offending application and prevents the student from testing. This also occurs if a forbidden application launches while the student is already in a test.

In some cases, a detected forbidden application is a scheduled or background job, such as anti-virus scans or software updates. The best way to prevent forbidden applications from running during a test is to schedule such jobs outside of planned testing hours.