Stop a Test Session
When students finish testing or the current testing timeslot is over, you should stop the test session. Stopping a session automatically logs out all the students in the session and pauses their tests.
- To stop a test session, click Stop Session at the top of the TA Site.
- In the confirmation message that appears, select OK. The test session stops.
Once you stop a test session, you cannot resume it. To resume testing, you must start a new session. Please note, the Online Testing System automatically logs you out after 20 minutes of both user and student inactivity. This action automatically stops the test session.
If you accidentally close the browser while students are testing, your session remains open until it times out. To return to the test session, you must log in to the TA Site and rejoin the active session. You can also transfer your session to another device.
Export Closed Session Information
After you stop a session, Export buttons appear next to the heading of each progress table, Pinned or Tests without/with Issue, on the Session ID tab.
When you select the Export button, the information in the progress table is downloaded. You will need to select the Export button for each progress table individually.