Downloading Files from the Secure File Center

When searching for users, students, students' test settings, and appeals, you can choose to export the search results to the Secure File Center (SFC). The shared Secure File Center serves as a password protected repository that lists files containing the data you have exported in TIDE and other CAI systems. When you choose to export search results to the Secure File Center, TIDE sends you an email to your email address that is registered in TIDE when the export task is completed and the file is available in the Secure File Center for download.

The Secure File Center also lists any protected documents that have been externally uploaded to the Secure File Center and that you have privileges to view.

To access files in the Secure File Center:

1.From the TIDE banner, select Secure File Center. The Secure File Center page appears. By default, TIDE displays the View Files tab.

2.Optional: Select the File Storage view from the available tabs:

Warning: The Archived file storage does not keep your files long-term. The same expiration period applies for files moved to Archived as for files in the Temporary storage area.

3.Optional: To filter the files by keyword, enter a search term in the search field above the list of files. The list is filtered to display only those files containing the entered file name.

4.Optional: To hide or display system or custom labels, use the Show Labels switch.

5.Optional: To hide files with a system or custom label, clear the checkbox for that label under Custom Labels.

6.To identify shared files, refer to the Created column.

a.Files you've shared with other users display: Owned by: your email address

b.Files that have been shared with you by other users display: Shared by: owner's email address

Tip: To learn more about sharing files through the SFC, review Sharing Files with the Secure File Center.

7.To download files, do one of the following:

8.To add a new custom label or apply an existing custom label, select the file(s) and then select Label from Batch Actions across the top.

9.To archive a file, select the file and then select Archive from Batch Actions across the top or use the button under the Actions column for the file. Hover over the button to display the name.
Review warning above about how the Archive functions!

a.To return a file to Temporary storage from Archived, select Return to Temporary icon.

10.Delete a file you've exported to the SFC or delete a file that has been shared.

a.To delete a file that you've exported or that has been shared with you, select the file and then select Delete from Batch Actions or use the button in the Actions column for the file. Hover over the button to display the name.

b.To delete a file that you've shared with other users, you have two choices:

i.To delete the file for you only, select the checkbox for the file, then select Delete from Batch Actions.
This action keeps the file intact for all users with whom it was shared and only removes it from your SFC. Once you delete the file this way, there is no way for you to remove it from other users, although the other users can delete it.

ii.To delete the file for you and all users with whom you shared it, use the button in the Actions column for the file. Hover over the button to display the name.