Starting a Test Session Immediately

This section describes how to:

For information about how to start a scheduled session, see Scheduling Test Sessions.

Start a New Test Session

You can create a new test session and administer tests to students immediately.

1.To start a new test session immediately, select the Active Sessions tab on the TA Site dashboard. To navigate back to the Test Administration Dashboard from another page, select Back to Dashboard from the user menu in the top right corner of the page.

2.Select Start a New Session Now to start a fully in-person session. To start a remote session, select Start a Remote Session.

Note: If you wish to administer the test session to students in the classroom and to students at home at the same time, select Start a Remote Session. The audio and video features for remote testing will appear for all students in the session, even those taking the assessment in the classroom.

3.Optional: If the pop-up window for selecting an institution appears, select an institution and select Go.

4.If the list of color-coded test categories appears, select the category whose tests you need to administer. The tests or test groups available for that category display.

5.Select the checkbox for each test you want to include in the session.

6.Optional: If you need to add tests from a different test category, select Back at the bottom of the Select Tests tab to return to the test categories view. Then select the appropriate tests.

7.Optional: If you need to remove a selected test, clear the checkbox for that test on the left. To remove all the selected tests, select Clear All in the top-right corner of the Tests Selected panel.

8.If any of the selected tests require you to select additional settings, such as a Test Reason, the required settings appear in the Session Settings section. You may need to select the following:

9.Select Start Session. The exact label for this button may vary depending on whether you are starting a practice or operational session.

10.To allow students to access the session, do one of the following:

11.If the session is remote, a window pops up, requesting access to your speaker, microphone, and camera. Mark the I agree checkbox and select Allow.

  • A separate pop-up window may also appear in your web browser, requesting access to your webcam and microphone. Select Allow to ensure that students taking the test will be able to hear and see you during video conferences.

12.Once students have been approved to join the session, they can begin taking the test.

Note: If you accidentally close the browser window and need to return to the active test session, log in to the TA Site to rejoin your session before it times out. You cannot reopen closed sessions, but students can resume a test opportunity in a new session.

Add Tests to an Ongoing Test Session

1.To add tests to a test session that is already in progress, click Select Tests in the upper-left corner of the TA Site.

2.In the Test Selection window, mark the checkbox for the required test and click Add to Session in the lower-left corner.

3.Verify that you want to add the tests to the session in the confirmation message that appears.

Note: You cannot remove tests from an active session.