Pausing Tests

Students can pause the test at any time. Pausing a test logs the student out. To resume testing, students must repeat the sign-in process (see the section Signing in to the Student Interface).

To pause a test:

  1. The student selects Pause in the global menu. A confirmation message appears.
  2. The student selects Yes. The Student Sign-In page appears.
    • If the test pauses for less than 20 minutes, students can review questions they already answered.
    • If the test pauses for more than 20 minutes, students cannot review questions they already answered. The only exception is if they pause on a page that has at least one unanswered question.
    • These pause rules do not apply to the ELPA or Performance Task tests.

Alert: When students are testing on Chromebooks, make sure that they pause the test before closing the lid of the Chromebook. If the lid is closed before the test pauses, whoever opens the Chromebook next will be able to see the last question that the student was viewing (and any response they entered).