Viewing and Editing Students

You can view and edit detailed information about a student's record on this page. To understand how to view changes made to a student's record, review the Viewing and Editing Students section.

To view and edit student details:

1.From the Students task menu on the dashboard, select View/Edit/Export Students. The View/Edit/Export Students page appears.

2.From the ID Type field, specify the type of students you wish to search for based on their ID type.

  • To search for students with permanent SSIDs, select SSID.
  • To search for students who have been assigned temporary IDs (applicable for screener students only), select Temporary ID.

3.Retrieve the student record you want to view or edit by following the procedure in the section Searching for Records.

Note: If the ID Type field is set to Temporary, other search fields such as school, student last name, and student first name are not available.

4.In the list of retrieved students, click view record icon for the student whose account you want to view. The View/Edit Student: [Student's Name] form appears.

5.From the Student Participation panel, view the student’s test participation report, if available. For information about the report columns, Table 17.

6.From the Rosters panel, view rosters to which the student is currently active, if available.

7.If your user role allows it, modify the student's record as required. Use as a reference.

  • In the Student Demographics panel, enter the student’s demographic information.
    • If the student has been assigned a temporary ID, click view record icon next to the SSID field (Figure 13). The SSID field becomes editable and you can enter the student's actual SSID. Other fields such as student’s first and last name and date of birth may also be editable.

    Alert: Please exercise caution when replacing the temporary ID and ensure that you enter the correct SSID for the student. Once you replace the temporary ID with a valid SSID and save the record, the view record icon icon will no longer be displayed for the SSID field and you will not be able to edit the SSID.

    Figure 13: View/Edit Student Form for Student with Temporary ID

  • In the Race and Ethnicity panel, select all applicable categories.
  • In the available student test settings and tools panels, enter the student’s settings for each test. The test settings are grouped into categories, such as accommodations, and designated supports. The panels display a column for each of the student’s tests. You can select different settings for each test, if necessary.

Alert: Test Settings in the TA Interface Changing a test setting in TIDE after the test starts does not update the student's test setting if the same test setting is available in the TA Interface. In this case, you must change the test setting in the TA Interface.

8.Click Save.

9.In the affirmation dialog box, click Continue to return to the list of student records.