Monitoring Students' Testing Progress

When students begin testing in your session, you can monitor the testing progress for each student, approve students’ print requests, and pause students’ tests. The progress tables that display during an active test session show you the testing details for each student logged in to your session. If you navigate away from these tables, you can click the Session ID in the top-left corner to display them again.

Table 2 describes the columns in the student test progress tables. To sort the table by a given column, click that column header.

Table 2: Columns in the Student Test Progress Tables
Column Description
Student Information The name and SSID of the student in the session. For remote test sessions with video, a low resolution video of the student is displayed in a bubble. If a student sends a chat message or request for assistance, notifications appear in this column. See the section Communicating with Students in a Remote Test Session.
Test Name of the test the student is taking. For segmented tests, this column also displays the name of the test segment that the student is currently testing.
Opp # Opportunity number for the student’s selected test.
Progress Indicates the student's test progress. A fraction appears, showing how many questions the student has completed out of the total number of test questions.
Test Settings

Indicates whether the student is testing with the standard (default) test settings or testing with custom accessibility supports.

To view a student’s settings for the current test opportunity, click View button.


To pause a student’s test, click Pause test button. The student will be logged out of the test.

If a student has a pending print request, click print to print the requested test content. For information, see Approve Students' Print Requests.

If you want to pay close attention to the progress of a particular student, click pin to list the student in a pinned table at the top of the page