Test Tools

This section provides an overview of the Online Testing System’s available tools.

Note: Some tools are available for all tests, while others are only available for a particular test subject, accessibility support, or type of question.

Table 3 lists the tools available in the global menu at the top of the page, while Table 4 lists the tools available for individual items and stimuli in the context menu. Table 5 lists any additional tools available in the Student Interface.

Table 3: Global Tools
Tool Name Instructions
Calculator To use the on-screen calculator, select Calculator in the global menu.
Dictionary To search the Merriam-Webster dictionary or thesaurus, select Dictionary in the global menu.
Language Toggle

For items and stimuli on the Science test that have content in two languages, such as English and Spanish, you can select the language in which to display the content for easier readability. By default, the item will be presented in the language specified at the beginning of the test. To switch the language, select Language Toggle in the global menu.

For more information, review About the Language Toggle Tool.

Line Reader

To emphasize an individual line of text in a passage or question, select Line Reader in the global menu. If the enhanced line reader mode is enabled, all content except for the line in focus is grayed out for greater emphasis.

This tool is not available while the Highlighter tool is in use.


The Masking tool temporarily covers a distracting area of the test page. To use this tool:

  1. Select the Masking button in the global menu.
  2. Click and drag across the distracting area.

To close the Masking tool, select the Masking button again. To remove a masked area, select X in the upper-right corner of that area.

Global Notes

To enter notes in an on-screen notepad, select Notes in the global menu. These notes are available globally and can be accessed from any page in the test.

Depending on the tool’s settings, advanced editing features, such as word and character count, spell check, and text formatting options may be available. Table 6 lists the different editing tools that may be available.

Furthermore, the text entered in this tool can be copied and pasted into text response areas or into item-specific note fields of items displayed on that page.

Pause To pause a test, select Pause button. If you pause the test, then you will be logged out.
Periodic Table To view the on-screen periodic table, select Periodic Table in the global menu.
Permissive Mode Permissive Mode allows certified accessibility software to be used with the secure browser. For more information, review the section About Permissive Mode.
Print Page To print the entire test page, select Print Page in the global menu.
Print Passage To print a reading passage, select Print Passage in the global menu.
System Settings

Students can select the cog wheel icon cog wheel icon in the upper-right corner to adjust the following:

  • Audio volume and speed/rate (speed changes apply to the current item and to all other items across the test)
  • Text-to-Speech settings (including volume, pitch, and speed/rate)
  • The language of buttons, labels, and system messages

Note: Audio speed adjustment applies to the ELA CAT and ELPA Summative CAT.

Note: The Navigation Language drop-down list is only available for ELPA and ELA tests.


To view a transcript of the audio content for the current test page, select Transcripts in the global menu. The text in transcripts can be read by screen readers, such as JAWS.

Zoom Buttons To enlarge the text and images on a test page, select Zoom In. Multiple zoom levels are available. To undo zooming, select Zoom Out.


Table 4: Question and Stimulus Tools
Tool Name Instructions
American Sign Language

You can watch videos that translate test content into American Sign Language (ASL). To view ASL videos:

  1. Select the ASL button American Sign Language Icon next to the context menu.
    • If only one ASL video is available, the video opens automatically.
    • If multiple ASL videos are available, sign language icons American Sign Language Icon appear next to the test content for each video. Select the icon for the test content you wish to translate into ASL.
Comments To provide feedback for a question, select Comments from the context menu and select a comment option from the drop-down list that appears.
Glossary (Word List) To open the glossary, click a word or phrase that has a border around it. This tool is only available for certain words.

To highlight text, select the text on the screen and then select Highlight Selection from the context menu. If multiple color options are available, select an option from the list of colors that appears.

To remove highlighting, select Reset Highlighting from the context menu.

You cannot highlight text in images.

Mark for Review To mark a question for review, select Mark for Review from the context menu. The marked question number displays a flap in the upper-right corner and a flag icon flag icon appears next to the number on the test page. The Items drop-down list displays Item Marked for Review Flag for the selected question.

To enter notes or comments for a question, select Notepad from the context menu. After you enter a note, a pencil icon note icon appears next to the question number on the test page.

You can only access your notes for a question on that question’s test page.

Depending on the tool’s settings, advanced editing features, such as word and character count, spell check, and text formatting options may be available. Table 6 section lists the different editing tools that may be available.

Furthermore, the text entered in this tool can be copied and pasted into text response areas of items displayed on that page as well as the notes tool in the global menu, if available.

Print Item To send a print request for an individual question, select Print Item from the context menu. After sending the request, a printer icon printer icon appears next to the question number on the test page.
Select Previous Version To view and restore responses previously entered for a Text Response question, select the Select Previous Version option from the context menu. A list of saved responses appears. Select the appropriate response and click Select.

For multiple choice and multi-select questions, you can cross out an answer option to focus on the options you think might be correct. You can strikethrough multiple lines of text, such as an answer option spanning more than a line, as well as graphics.

There are two options for using this tool:

Option A:

  1. To activate Strikethrough mode, open the context menu and select Strikethrough.
  2. Select the answer options you wish to strike out.
  3. To deactivate Strikethrough mode, press the Esc key or click outside the response area.

Option B:

  1. Right-click an answer option and select Strikethrough.

Text-to-Speech (TTS)

To listen to passages and questions, select a Speak option from the Text-to-Speech button Text-to-Speech button beside the context menu. Or, right click on the passage, the question, or an option and select a Speak option.

To listen to a response to a constructed-response item, use the TTS button in the item response area. For constructed-response items with a notepad, to listen to your notes, select the TTS button in the notepad. For more information, see the About Text-to-Speech section.

Text-to-Speech Tracking When this tool is enabled, words and the surrounding line of text become highlighted as text-to-speech reads them aloud.
Tutorial To view a short video demonstrating how to respond to a particular question type, select Item Tutorials from the context menu.


Table 5: Other Tools
Tool Name Instructions
Word Prediction When this tool is enabled, suggested words will pop up in a menu as students type a written response. Students can select a word in the pop-up menu instead of typing it out manually. For more information, review About the Word Prediction Tool.
Expand Passage To expand the passage section, select the double arrow icon double arrow icon in the upper-right corner of that section. The passage section will overlap the question section for easier readability. To collapse the expanded section, select the double arrow icon double arrow icon again.

This tool allows students testing with the appropriate accessibility supports to dictate responses to constructed-response items. To use this tool, select the microphone icon Speech-to-text microphone icon in the formatting toolbar of the item response area and begin speaking. The dictated response will be transcribed in the item response area.

For more information, review About Speech-to-Text/Dictation.