Appendix E: Creating an Alternate Assessment Item

Some students require alternate testing using the Data Entry Interface (DEI). In this method of testing, the test administrator (TA) delivers the item to the student directly, then enters information on the student’s response into the DEI. For example, for a Multiple Choice item, the TA may read a stem aloud to a student from a testing booklet and present the student with a few objects or options in a response booklet from which to select an answer.

On alternate assessment items, as determined in the Item Tracking System (ITS), the AltDoc Content button to the right of the Rubrics dropdown list opens the Alternate Assessment Document Editor window. (The Score Input interaction type has been deprecated.)

The editor window contains multiple tabs representing different stages of the item creation process:

You can navigate these tabs in order by clicking the Previous and Next Step buttons at the bottom of the window. To close the window, click the Close button.

Note that the alternate assessment document does not add to the file size of an item. Item size reflects only the content delivered in the DEI.

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